My Web3lady journey

In August, my journey in before a web 2 developer with web3ladies started and I must say has been very enlightening thus far. The first phase of the mentorship program is the prep phase, with the just concluded prep phase I learnt about the web 3. Seeing web 3 on the internet could be very complicated and complex. But the mentors did great justice to it. I now understand the differences between the web 1, web 2,web 3.

GENERATIONS OF THE WEB The generations of the web is basically how the web has evolved and will still evolve through the years.

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WEB 1, WEB 2,WEB 3. WEB 1: The web 1 was mainly text which you can only read through. No interaction whatsoever with the web. WEB 2: The web 2 is what we are familiar with, it is a medium to interact with people and even the web. It is more user friendly, not complicated and it has graphics. Interaction happens in web 2 as opposed to web 1. WEB 3: The web 3 evolved with the backend. Web3 represent a set of protocols, with distributed ledgers (Blockchain) as its backbone. Decentralized applications refers to web 3 applications that run on the blockchain. These are apps that allows anyone to participate without monetising their personal data.

We have come to the end of this article. Do well to give me feedback and constructive criticism.